Sources, Hints, and Record Searches

We recently made some important updates to a few of the Goals in The Family History Guide. They have to do with record sources, hints and searches in FamilySearch Family Tree. Here is a summary of the changes that were made:

Project 1: FamilySearch, Goal 8—Adding Sources

  • Choice B: “Browse and sort existing sources in your family tree.” This updates the viewing of sources and introduces the new sorting feature.
  • Choice C: “Add, edit, tag, or detach sources for an ancestor.” These tasks have been combined into one Choice instead of separate ones.
  • Choice D: “View attached records for an ancestor.” The new screen for viewing attached records is described.
  • Choice E: “Use the Source Box”  and Choice F: “Print  sources on a family group” have been re-lettered, but the content is basically the same as before.

Project 1: FamilySearch, Goal 9—Record Hints and Attaching Sources

The Goal has changed its title from “More about Sources.”

  • Choice A: “See record hints for ancestors.” This content was previously in Goal 8; it includes some updated content.
  • Choice B: “Attach a record source from a record hint.” This Choice also has updated content and screen shots.
  • Choice C: “Learn more about hints and attaching sources.” This content was previously in Goal 8; the content is mostly the same.

Project 4: FamilySearch, Goal 4—FamilySearch Record Searches

The previous Goal 4 has been divided into Goals 4 and 5, with Goal 5 retaining the title “FamilySearch Research Tools.” The previous Goals 5 through 8 are now numbered 6 through 9, retaining the same titles.

  • Goal 4 now contains Choices A through D.
  • Choice Choice C: “Use search results effectively” is new.
  • Goal 5 contains only the Choices relating to research tools, such as Genealogies, Catalog, Books, Periodicals, and the Research Wiki.


The Word Tracker files have been updated to reflect the new Goals and Choices. The Online Tracker has also been updated; the impact to existing data for the Goals and Choices should be minimal.


The links for the renumbered Goals (5 through 9 in Project 4: Discover) have been updated on the site, such as in Topics, Study Guide, Course Catalog, etc. If you have made your own shortcuts to any of the renumbered Goals, you will need to adjust them accordingly.


Bob Taylor