The Family History Guide Training in Nigeria

In the nation of Nigeria, family history work is especially challenging due to the limited availability of records. Most of the  genealogy is traditionally kept in oral histories, with little being written down. Also, computers and internet access are not as widespread as in many countries.

But those challenges are not stopping a tireless group of consultants and family history enthusiasts in Abuja, Nigeria. They are led by Armstrong Tondual, who has been doing family history training in several areas of the country over the last few years. He has used a combination of FamilySearch and The Family History Guide, along with the My Family booklet from FamilySearch, to get people involved in recording and preserving their information.

We received some pictures of a recent family history training done in Abuja, Nigeria—they are shown below (Armstrong is standing at the left in the first picture). We are grateful to Armstrong and all those who work with him, and we sincerely hope that the love of family history continues to spread throughout the world.


Bob Taylor

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