More to Like in The Family History Guide

In the past two weeks, The Family History Guide has been growing fast. We’ve added links to over 200 great family history articles and videos, both in the main pages of the website and in the Vault. Topics include immigration, military records, social media tools, research techniques, stories and interviewing, and many more. And the growth spurt will continue in the next month or two, as we project that about 400 more article and video links will be added.

Fortunately, The Family History Guide is a structured, just-in-time learning system. This means that links to articles and videos occur where you need them, and when you expect them—they’re not just piled into a heap. Think of The Family History Guide as a large department store or supermarket, with just about everything you need for doing your family history (and it’s all free!) You can go up and down the aisles and select what you want, without getting lost in the information. Like a favorite shopping place, there is an amazing amount of storage space, efficiently laid out to hold your items of interest, such as steps, exercises, and article and video links. Surplus items go into the “back room”—the Vault. Even in the Vault, they are easy to find and well organized. We are approaching 1,000 article and video links the Vault, and there’s still room to grow.

So even as we continue to add many helpful links, we are careful to not overflow the containers: everything has a place, and everything is in its place. If you have trouble finding something, we have the Site Map, the Topics page, and the Search bar, all ready to lend assistance. Plus, you can send a brief note to Contact Us if you need further help.

We hope you enjoy the new additions to the site. For articles on the main pages, you can see the date of update in the right margin, such as “2018-06-10”.


Bob Taylor