Activities Pages: Adding an Index and Trackers

We’ve added some new features that will help you get even more enjoyment from your experience with Activities in The Family History Guide: two indexes and three trackers.

Main Index

The main index for activities provides an alphabetical list of activities by type, across all activities pages. When you find an activity of interest in the index, the link will take you to the corresponding Activities page (Family, Singles, Youth, or Children) for more information.

The main index for activities is found at the bottom of the Activities menu, as well as in the header area for the Families, Singles, Youth, and Children pages. Here’s a look at part of the main index:

LDS Index

The new LDS index is similar to the main index, except that it has links only to LDS-related activities. You can find the LDS index in the LDS page, in Goal 9: FHE Activities.

About the Trackers

You’re probably familiar with the Tracker sheets and the Online Tracker in The Family History Guide; it’s how you track your work and the skill levels you have achieved. We’ve added Tracker sheets for the Families, Singles, Youth, and Children pages, but with a twist: instead of measuring skill levels, you can rate an activity as to how useful and enjoyable it was for your group. A = Great; B = Good; and C = not so great. There are Notes spaces for each activity and you can capture the date you last held the activity.

Coming Next

In the next few months we’re planning some interesting updates to the Activities pages: more activities, more pictures, and more fun! We’re also working on an Online Tracker version of the indexes.

Bob Taylor