Updates to Ancestry DNA Pages

Ancestry has made some significant changes to its DNA testing features, including ThruLines™ and more DNA  matching resources. We have recently completed corresponding updates to the Ancestry DNA pages of The Family History Guide. Here’s a brief summary of the changes you’ll see in Ancestry Project 7: DNA …

Goal 3: DNA Tests:

  • Added links to Ancestry Help articles
  • Updated the DNA Settings section

Goal 4: DNA Matching:

  • Added links to Ancestry Help articles
  • Choice B: “Learn more about DNA matching” rewritten for the new Ancestry screens
  • New Choice C:  “Explore map resources for DNA Matches”

Goal 5: DNA ThruLines:

  • This is a new Goal that replaces the page for the former DNA Circles feature.
  • Choice A: “Learn about DNA ThruLines”
  • Choice B: “Explore DNA matches in ThruLines”
  • Choice C: “Use additional options for cousin matches”
  • Choice D: “Use the List view for additional perspectives”

Coming Soon

The Ancestry App also contains a section on DNA, so we will be adding a DNA Project to the Ancestry App pages. Stay tuned!


Bob Taylor