RootsTech Presentations from The Family History Guide

It’s hard to believe that RootsTech 2019 is less than three weeks away! The Family History Guide will be busier than ever, with a presentation session on Thursday, Feb. 28 and two sessions on Saturday, Mar. 2 (Discovery Day at Roots Tech).

Here’s a brief look at the sessions, from the information featured on the RootsTech Schedule page:

The Family History Guide: Accelerating Your Learning and Research 

In this session you’ll learn how to do the following things to accelerate your family history learning and research:

  • Use The Family History Guide website to learn family history skills faster and easier.
  • Discover research tips that can help you fill out your family tree, even when you are facing brick walls.
  • Learn techniques for interviewing family members, scanning and preserving memories, using Google apps to collaborate with others, etc.
  • Use the Online Tracker, a powerful database for recording and tracking your learning progress.

The Family History Guide is an approved training partner for FamilySearch and has website visitors from over 150 countries. Discover the difference it can make in your family history journey.

Thursday, Feb. 28 at 3 p.m.
Ballroom B
Session Number: RT1119
Saturday, Mar. 2 at 3 p.m.
Room:155 B
Session Number: RT1119

Discover, Gather, and Connect Your Family Together

Angelle Anderson, Marketing Director, The Family History Guide Association
Scott Anderson, Public Relations Director, The Family History Guide Association
Merrill White, FamilySearch Area Manager and Product Manager for the FamilySearch Discovery Center Initiative
From the kitchen to social media to the temple, all ages can be engaged. This session will share several ideas that will help members of the Church engage their families to discover, gather and strengthen their families through family history.
Saturday, Mar. 2 at 8 a.m.
Ballroom A
Session Number: PH6249

In addition to the formal presentations, we’ll be featuring 20-minute mini-classes on a variety of topics at The Family History Guide booth. Look for an additional blog post soon that describes the booth and and mini-classes at RootsTech.

If you’ll be at RootTech 2019, plan on attending one or more of our presentations, and stop by and say hello to us at our booth. See you there!

Bob Taylor

1 Response

  1. I really like being able to look at the Rootstech conference class offerings on the big screen here on the blog. Very nice! Thank you, Bob, for this!