New Country Pages in The Family History Guide

We have recently added country pages for the following nations:

These pages are available in the Countries menu (All Countries) and as separate Goal pages in the Asia collector page. Previously they were listed in the “More Countries” section of the Countries page.

More Countries vs. All Countries

You may be wondering why some countries are listed in the “All Countries” section at the top of the page, while others are listed inside the “More Countries” further down the page. Basically, it’s determined by the amount of available information: countries with enough info to fill up a Goal page are listed in All Countries, while countries with less info are listed in More Countries (typically just including a bullet list of links).

So when more information becomes available for a “More Country” entry, that page can be listed in the All Countries section. That was the case with the Armenia, Israel, Lebanon, and Sri Lanka pages. Additional pages may appear in the All Countries section—stay tuned!



Bob Taylor