What’s New in The Family History Guide

Here are a few of the updates we’ve made in the last week or so in The Family History Guide:

Links to Choices

Previously you could link to Goals in The Family History Guide but not to Choices. We have now added the capability of linking directly to any Choice. To do that, you find the Goal URL you want (such as https://www.thefhguide.com/project-1-family-tree11.html) and adding # and the Choice letter at the end of the URL. For example, to go directly to Choice B in Goal 11 of FamilySearch Project 1, you would use this URL: https://www.thefhguide.com/project-1-family-tree11.html#b   You can add #a through #h, depending on whether that Choice letter exists in the Goal.

This means you can bookmark or share links to Choices anywhere in The Family History Guide. We have updated the places in the website where it previously linked to a Goal but could have linked to a corresponding Choice.

New Merge Steps in FamilySearch

We’ve updated FamilySearch Project 1, Goal 11 for the new record merge steps, including example screens. You can get directly there by using the link we demonstrated above: https://www.thefhguide.com/project-1-family-tree11.html#b

RootsTech 2019 Sessions

We’ve added over 50 links to handouts for RootsTech 2019 sessions. These cover a wide range of useful topics and are spread throughout The Family History Guide.

Subheadings for Choices in Country Pages

Some of the Choices in Country pages have seven or more steps. To help with the flow, we’ve added subheadings in many of these Choices to help you find information categories faster and easier.

Bob Taylor