Update: Countries Page and Province Links

We’ve made a few changes in the main Countries page, as well as in a number of individual country pages, to make things a bit easier to navigate and find information. Here’s a rundown of the changes that were made:

Vertical Layout

The main Countries page is still grouped by region, but within each region the countries are listed vertically instead of horizontally. This helps you scan entries easier and faster. Also, U.S. states, Canada provinces, England counties, and Australia states are shown in a smaller font for contrast.

Single-Page Countries

The “Misc.” pages for Central America, Eastern Europe, South America, and the Pacific Islands have individual country pages, one country per page. For example,  South America Misc. has single pages for Ecuador, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Now all the single-page countries are included in the vertical lists to help you find them faster. The former section called “Collector Pages” has been removed.

As a note, The Family History Guide includes only countries that are deemed to have a sufficient amount of accessible records and other helpful information for research. When additional resources are added on the internet, new countries may be added.

Added Links for Provinces, Counties, etc.

Quite a few of the country pages contain links to their provinces, states, counties, etc. We have added similar links for additional country pages, including the following:

Each main link can be found just below QUIKLinks near the top of the page. It skips to the bottom of the page, to a list of provinces, etc. These links go to individual pages in the FamilySearch Wiki for additional research. The example below shows province links for Panama. (Links are active in the actual country pages, not in this example.)

Explore the province and county links for your countries of interest; you may discover helpful records or resources for your ancestor research.

Bob Taylor