Tag: U.S. census

Resolving Dead Ends in Trees, Part One

Editor’s Note: Thanks to our guest blogger, Karen Meyer, currently serving as an Area Temple and Family History Consultant in the Scottsdale (AZ) Coordinating Council, for this blog post. In Part One,  she outlines some common causes for dead ends in family trees and how to address them.   Problem #1: Too many Census Data Sheets for the same year. One...

Inside the Guide: Census Charts

Charts are tools that can be useful for a variety of different purposes, particularly in genealogical research. One situation where charts can help in your research is with a census survey. When conducting a census survey, it can be tricky to remember all the details about the individual you found from each census record, such as how old they were,...

Inside the Guide: Pre-1850 Census Research Tips

Census records can provide an abundance of information about your ancestors. Some of this information could include where they lived, who lived with them, how old they were, where they were born, etc. The United States federal census records began in 1790, but the 1790-1840 censuses listed only the head of household, not every individual in the household. The other...