Fitting Family History into Your Life

Question: How do you squeeze a huge object (family history) into a small box (your free time to work on it)?

Answer: In small pieces.

As explained in the 15 Minutes page of The Family History Guide, you can accomplish some amazing things with your family history by approaching it in segments of 15 minutes or more. In the “Fitting Family History into Your Life” section of the page, the first link opens a PDF file with lists of projects you can do in 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, one hour, and two or more hours.

The author of the PDF file, Janet Helland, is Assistant Director of Patron Services at the Sandy Granite family history center. She recently recorded a webinar that goes into more detail on fitting family history into your life. You can watch the video at the link below, or in the Videos section of Enjoy!


Bob Taylor