A Few Google Translate Fixes

Google Translate is an important part of our website in terms of providing native language text to our site visitors. You can access is on any page in The Family History Guide by using the Select Language button. Although it’s a powerful and ever-evolving tool, it does have a few quirks.

We discovered that the menu translation bar for Google Translate is fixed at the top of the page, and it was obscuring the menu titles on the website pages. To correct this, we have added a thin separator area at the top of the page where the bar can fit. Here’s an example for Spanish translation, with the bar showing at the very top, the Select Language button in the lower left, and the X (to close) at the upper right:

We also noted that on phones and tablets the default language selection box is too wide, preventing some languages from being selected. We have switched to a vertical drop-down for the language list so they can be easily accessed.

We hope you enjoy the language translation experience in The Family History Guide.

Coming Soon …

Speaking of language translation, we are starting to work on a Spanish version of the new Intro video (39:22) for The Family History Guide. All the screens in the video will be in Spanish. and the narration will be done through Amazon Polly with native speaker text-to-voice.

Bob Taylor