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Latter-day Saint Youth

Weekly Family History Activities

A Come, Follow Me companion for family history

Temple, Family History, and Come, Follow Me

One of the ways to fit temple work and family history into your life is to make it part of what you are already doing. The Family History Guide has created the Weekly Family History Activities (a Come, Follow Me companion) with related family history activities for every week.

As an example, check out these family history activities for 2020 Week #42 (between the bold lines below):

Mormon 1-6; "I Would That I Could Persuade All ... to Repent"

From Come, Follow Me :

Beginning in the first chapter of Mormon, you will notice major differences between Mormon and the people around him. As you read Mormon 1, consider contrasting the qualities and desires of Mormon with those of his people...What do you learn that inspires you to live righteously in a wicked world?

Inspired By Our Ancestors

Find Your Ancestors' Stories

Get to know your ancestors by finding their stories. See Week #22 for ideas.

Angels Cheering Us On

"When messengers are sent to minister to the inhabitants of this earth, they are not strangers, but from the ranks of our kindred [and] friends ... In like manner, our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters, and friends who have passed away from this earth, having been faithful, and worthy to enjoy these rights and privileges, may have a mission given them to visit their relatives and friends upon the earth again, bringing from the divine Presence messages of love, of warning, of reproof and instruction to those whom they had learned to love in the flesh." Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine (Read more here).

"Interrupting Angels" by Annie Henrie Nader

How can you learn more about these loved ones who may be the ones cheering you on, right alongside the prophets? How can getting to know about their lives help open the door to receive their influence in your life? Try some of the activities below to learn more about your ancestors.

Check out these FamilySearch Activities:

Have fun exploring additional activities to get to know your ancestors in FamilySearch Discovery and in The Family History Guide.

Temple and family history activities can enrich your home-centered gospel study, and help you and your family enjoy the benefits and blessings of more family history in your lives. What a great way to work on your temple and family history goals along with your family!

Getting Started

If you and your family would like to use the Weekly Family Family History Activities, have a planning session to introduce it and decide how and when to make it a part of your home-centered gospel study.

Who will be in charge of selecting the family history activities for the week? Is there another family or some friends who would like to join you for one of the activities? Will you keep a record of what you do?

As you are making plans, you may want to read together about the blessings of temple and family history work, and the promises to you and your family as you participate in this great work of salvation. Here are two great articles: Blessings of Doing Temple and Family History Work and Spiritual Benefits of Family History Work. There are also promises and "calls to action" listed throughout each part of the the Latter-day Saint Youth Pages.

In his conference address Family History And Temple Work: Sealing And Healing, Elder Renlund explains that "family history and temple work is not only for the dead, but blesses the living as well." Here are the promises he lists:

(Click to enlarge)

He adds, "If you have prayed for any of these blessings, participate in family history and temple work. As you do so, your prayers will be answered. When ordinances are performed on behalf of the deceased, God's children on earth are healed. No wonder President Russell M. Nelson, in his first message as President of the Church, declared, 'Your worship in the temple and your service there for your ancestors will bless you with increased personal revelation and peace and will fortify your commitment to stay on the covenant path.'"

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