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Online Tracker Help

Goal 2: Setting Up Groups

Learn how to set up groups of Online Tracker users so you can run reports to see their learning progress.

Goal 2: Set up Groups for Online Tracker reports.


ASet up a new reporting group.

  1. Collect the email addresses for the people to be included in your group. Make sure ahead of time that each person who will be in the group has an Online Tracker account.
  2. Open the Online Tracker and click Groups (menu bar).
  3. In the Create New Group box, type the name of the Group and click Create. The name of the Group appears in the Your Groups box.

BRequest Access to Others' Online Tracker Data.

  1. In the Request Access to Another User's Data box, type the email address and a message for the person whose data you want to access.
  2. Click Request. The email address, request status (Pending, Granted, or Denied), and timestamp appear in the Requests to View Others’ Data area.
  3. Repeat the previous two steps for each person who needs a request.

CHandle requests for your data from others.

If you have been requested by another Online Tracker user to share data, that information appears in the Requests to View Your Data area.

  1. To accept a request, click Accept; to deny access, click Deny.
  2. To revoke access to your data once you have granted it, click Revoke.

DAdd approved members to a Group.

  1. In the "Your Groups" box, click the link of the Group you added. This opens the Group Management page.
  2. If you want to change the Group name, type the new name for the Group and click Rename.
  3. To add a member to the Group, select a member from the User select box and click Add. If the select box is empty, you have already added all the users you have permission to add.

ERemove approved members from a Group.

  1. To remove a member from a Group, find the person’s name in the Members list and click the Remove from Group link next to the person’s name. The person's name is added back into the User select box so it may be added later.
  2. To return to the main Groups screen from the Group Management page, click Groups (top menu).