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Ancestry App

Goal 8: Manage Your Tree and Account.

Goal 8: Manage your tree and account settings.

This Goal helps you determine settings for your Ancestry tree(s) and account.


A Manage your tree settings.

  1. In the upper left of your tree screen, tap your ID circle. This displays the Settings screen.
  2. To read or send messages, tap Messages. You can do the following things:
    • Send a new message—a) Tap the plus icon (lower right);
      b) Type the name or username of the message recipient or search for it in the Member Directory;
      c) Type the subject and message text; and
      d) Tap Send.
    • Tap a message to read it. If you need to block a user who has sent a message, tap the three-dot icon (upper right).
  3. To view hints you have saved, tap Saved for later.
  4. To change tree settings, tap the entry in the Active Tree section. If you have other Ancestry trees, you can select one of them ifrom the list.
  5. Tap the settings wheel for the active tree. You can edit the tree title and description and update the privacy settings.
  6. In the "Who you are in the tree" section, you can specify whether you are the Home person in the tree, or whether to remove yourself from the tree.
  7. Tap Save (upper right).
  8. To learn more about Settings, watch this video.

    AAC—Controlling the Ancestry App Through the Settings Tab—1:38 (account required)

B Update basic account settings.

  1. In the Settings screen, scroll down to the Settings section and tap Account settings. Other settings on this screen are described in Choice E below.
  2. To edit your username,
    a) Tap Edit (next to Username);
    b) Make your edits, and
    c) Tap Save.
  3. To change your password,
    a) Tap Edit (next to Password);
    b) Type your current password;
    c) Type the new password; and
    d) Tap Save. Make sure the new password conforms to the guidelines on the screen.
  4. To set the color scheme for your screens, tap Theme and select "Light" or "Dark".
  5. To manage the types of notifications you get from Ancestry, tap Notifications and make your choices.
  6. To manage how Ancestry uses your data, tap Permissions and make your choices.
  7. To manage the personal traints you want to share with other users or keep private, tap Traits compare access and make your choices.
  8. To request a download of your Ancestry tree, DNA, and account data, tap Download your data and follow the prompts. This may take up to 30 days.
  9. If you need to delete your Ancestry account, tap Delete account. This deletes data from all your Ancestry trees, as well as your account data and any DNA results you may have.

C Update other settings.

  1. Tap the three-line menu (upper left) and select Account.
  2. To send feedback to Ancestry about the Ancestry app,
    a) Tap Feedback;
    b) Type your message; and
    c) Tap the green Message icon.
  3. You can call Ancestry Support using the phone number provided.
  4. You can read the Ancestry Terms and Conditions, or the Privacy Statement.
  5. To select whether to share statistics with Ancestry, tap Permissions and set the slider button accordingly.