1: Research   2: Archives and Libraries   3: Church and Cemetery Records   4: Military Records   5: Maps and Towns   6: Newspapers   7: Websites   8: Search Records   9: Get Help   10: Geo/Culture/History   Regional               Tracker     KB-Intl.    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF


Goal 5: Maps and Towns



Partners:  FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki      GenealogyLinks

Goal 5: Learn about Ukraine maps and towns.


ALearn about Ukraine maps and gazetteers.

  1. Learn how to find hometowns for Ukrainian ancestors based on maps and gazetteers.

    RT—Using Maps and Gazetteers to Locate the Hometown—25:12 - 2023

  2. See a map of Ukraine jursidictions.
  3. Explore historical maps of Ukraine.
  4. Explore the David Rumsey collection of Ukraine maps.
  5. Access maps on the FEEFHS site.
  6. Explore the Old Maps Online site for Ukraine maps.
  7. Explore the Atlas of Ukraine on the Wikipedia site.
  8. Explore the Old Maps of Ukraine on the Wikipedia site.
  9. Explore FamilySearch Places to learn about place names in the Ukraine, from 1648-1782, or 1917-1991, or 1991 to present.
  10. Explore a directory of Ukraine cities, towns, and regions in the Falling Rain site.